Rilie Atkinson, Director of Logistics
Peace & Conflict Studies with a minor in Business
Rilie is the co-founder of OurStor1es and has been part of the fundamental operations of the organization and getting the platform off the ground since Fall 2019. Her job experience is a slew of amazing experiences: a Marketing intern for Gardner Village, a Teaching Assistant for the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, a Hiking Director, and an After School Program facilitator for Salt Lake City. Because of these (and many more) eclectic jobs, Rilie has found a true love of meeting new people and learning about their stories. She is currently attending the U of U to pursue Social Work or Law.
Rising Sign: “Scorpio…? I asked Maia.”
What actor/actress would you like to play in a movie about your life: Danny DeVito
What song do you cry to: “Forward” by Beyonce ft. James Blake
What PopTart flavor would you be: Hot fudge sunday
Favorite starter Pokemon: Mudkip